Category Archives: Colleen’s Blog

Broken Pots

I sit here alone in the staff room listening to the beat of the drums being played along with music and screams of motorcycles and trucks going by outside.  Yes, it’s the Thai New Year once again and I’ve just showered and cleaned off the caked jasmine powder off my hair and face after playing with them for about 3 hours.  This is the first of 3 days of water madness.  Tomorrow I will once again don the pick-up truck with friends and drive around the various buckets of water that feed the hands and water guns of children and adults lining the streets of Thailand.  Hopefully all four wheels will stay on this year! Continue reading Broken Pots


Pay it forward was a movie about a boy that took on a social studies experiment to try and do something to impact the world.  His idea?  To do something really big for 3 people, something they can’t do for themselves, and ask them to do the same for 3 people and so on.  Throughout the movie you see bits and pieces of how it worked without him realizing it.  One random acts of kindness kept spreading throughout his town and then state.  Pretty cool.  This week it struck me on how the opposite is true.  A couple random acts of misplaced words can lead to foul moods and sarcasm that spread to others. Continue reading Rudders