Beauty from Ashes

IMG_1365I’m not a fan of carpet. It holds the dirt and grime of life and is so difficult to keep clean. Thus we prayed for tile or some kind of hard surface for the past two homes that we’ve been blessed with so that cleaning up spills, dirt, sickness, food, and my hair would be easier. The Lord has providing each time! We are so thankful. Annabelle’s first stomach virus was managed with ease despite each projectile pooling in the kitchen. Ronnie and Lydia’s experiment with handling new food was cleaned up with a quick sweep. Leaves dragged in from play outside was vacuumed up in moments. The hard surfaces performed like we had hoped.

Yet something was missing in our new home after our furniture was placed, toys were unpacked, and life began. The hard surfaces were unforgiving and play was conservative. So we decided to find some area rugs. Our treasure was found in Home Depot no less! A furry piece of hope that was laid down, scrutinized, and accepted. Then the magic happened. As the adults laid down and did a carpet snow angel, one by one the three kids did a running leap onto the surface with never-ending giggles. Pig piles commenced followed by chasing around the middle wall with a finishing dive onto the carpet. All of the Craigs had smiles on their faces as we enjoyed our time of together play.

Moving to Puerto Rico was an answer to an unknown prayer. This duty stationed offered us an undeployable three years where we could mold together as a family for the first time. All of our transitions from bringing the twins home, packing our house up for an across the world move, transitioning into a hotel, saying goodbye to beloved friends, traveling across the US visiting friends and families for a month, landing in Puerto Rico, and finally moving into our new home two months after taking our first steps in the Caribbean had made our bonding more difficult than we had hoped. Then came this carpet.

All I have to do is ball up on the carpet for about three seconds before my back becomes rides for all three kids. Summersaults begin, kids are tossed, and laughs are endless. Competition is gone as tickles bring the squirmers immediately to the floor begging for more. Barrett chases the short, pigeon toed toddlers around the middle of our house as they scream in delight. He picks them up, swings them a bit, and then resets them on the fluffy home base. The delighted youngsters then pick themselves up and rush to start another clamorous chase around the middle wall.

Who would have thought that a carpet that should hold the grime and dirt of life instead brings life to our mending family? The Lord is truly bringing beauty from ashes.

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